
XXII International Scientific Conference on Construction and Architecture VSU'2022

6 - 8 October 2022

pdf Programme   Photos from the conference   pdf Abstract book   pdf Proceedings - Vol 1   pdf Proceedings - Vol 2

Content of this page

Invitation General information International scientific committee Chair Members Organizing Committee of VSU'2022 Chairman Vice Chairman Members Conference Topics Important dates Venue Registration fees Preferential fees Bank account Download Contacts To participate... Proceedings Requirements for reports Forms of participation Presentation Poster Participation in absentia Listener Company presentations Report Exhibition Advertising


Dear future participants in VSU’2022

Dear friends and colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we kindly invite you to participate in the XXII International Scientific Conference on Construction and Architecture VSU'2022, which will be held on 6, 7 and 8 October 2022 in Sofia.

Organizing Committee of VSU’2022
USEA "L. Karavelov", Sofia, Bulgaria

General information

The International Scientific Conference "Construction and Architecture" is held every year at the University of Structural Engineering and Architecture "Lyuben Karavelov" – Sofia.

The co-organizers of the conference are Bulgarian institutions and professional organizations operating in the field of architecture and construction. The Scientific Committee is composed of famous Bulgarian and foreign scientists.

The official languages of the conference are Bulgarian and English. Bulgarian, English, Russian, French and German are used as working languages.

Various forms of participation in the conference are provided: report, poster, part-time participation, guest. special events are organized - discussion forums, company presentations and exhibitions, competitions for the best report of a young scientist, best poster of Student Session and best report of a student.

International scientific committee


Anita Handruleva, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria


  1. Aleksandra Ivanova, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  2. Ana Yanakieva, Institute of Mechanics, BAS, Bulgaria
  3. Angel Baltov, Corresp. Mem. DScTech. Eng., Institute of Mechanics, BAS, Bulgaria
  4. Antonio Formisano, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  5. Asterios Liolios, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
  6. Blagovesta Ivanova – Tsotsova, Prof. DSc, USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“,
  7. Bojidar Yanev, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Columbia University, New York City, USA
  8. Borislav Daalov, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“,
  9. Borislava Mancheva-Velkova, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“,
  10. Clara Bertolini-Cestari, Prof. Ph.D. Arch., Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin, Italy
  11. Dimitar Nazarski, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bulgaria
  12. Dinar Camotim, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
  13. Doncho Partov, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  14. Dragan Kostic, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Niš, Serbia
  15. Eva Kormaníková, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
  16. Frantishek Wald , Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech
  17. Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Institute of Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Seismology, Skopje, North Macedonia
  18. Hartmut Pasternak , Prof. D.Sc. Eng., Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg, Germany
  19. Hristina Zayakova, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  20. Ivan Todorov, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Academy of the Ministry of Interior, Bulgaria
  21. Iliana Stoynova, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“
  22. Ivanka Paskaleva, Prof. Ph.D., European Polytechnical University, Bulgaria
  23. Jindřich Melcher, Prof. D.Sc. Eng., University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
  24. Jiří Studnička, Prof. D.Sc. Eng., Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
  25. Jozef Melcer, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Jilina, Slovakia
  26. Konstantin Kazakov, Prof. D.Sc. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  27. Lachezar Hrischev, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, NTSSB, Bulgaria
  28. Lyuben Lyubenov, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“
  29. Mario Chiorino, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin, Italy
  30. Mariusz Maślak, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Cracow University of Technology, Poland
  31. Meri Cvetkovska, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, North Macedonia
  32. Milosh Drdáck , Prof. D.Sc. Eng., Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
  33. Moogens Peter Nilsen, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  34. Nadja Kurtović-Folić, Prof. Ph.D. Arch., University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  35. Naida Admović, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  36. Natasa Zivaljevic-Luxor, Ph.D. Arch., National Heritage Foundation, Serbia
  37. Nicolae Țăranu, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași, Romania
  38. Petar Grekov, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“
  39. Philippe Van Bogaert, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Ghent University, Belgium
  40. Radomir Folić, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  41. Robert Eadie, Ph.D. Eng., Ulster University, Northern Ireland, UK
  42. Rumiana Zaharieva, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bulgaria
  43. Stanislav Tsvetkov, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  44. Svetlana Lilkova-Markova, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bulgaria
  45. Teodor Roshavelov, Prof. D.Sc. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  46. Todor Georgiev, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  47. Tsvetoslava Zareva-Peeva, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“
  48. Valentin Nikolov, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., ВТУ „Т. Каблешков“
  49. Valentina Varbanova, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Arch., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  50. Vanyo Georgiev, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  51. Ventseslav Al. Stoyanov, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  52. Ventsislav K. Stoyanov, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  53. Veronika Shendova, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., Institute of Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Seismology, Skopje, North Macedonia
  54. Vladimir Savyovsky, Prof. D.Sc. Eng., Kyiv National University of Building and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine
  55. Vlastimir Radonjanin, Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  56. Yanko Alexandrov, Prof. Ph.D. Arch., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Bulgaria
  57. Yatchko Ivanov, Acad. Prof. DScTech. Eng., European Polytechnic University, NTSSB, Bulgaria
  58. Yesim Aktuglu, Prof. Ph.D. Arch., Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey
  59. Yulia Ilieva, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Arch., USEA (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“

Organizing Committee of VSU'2022


Iliana Soynova, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng.

Vice Chairman

Vanyo Georgiev, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.


Doncho Partov, Prof. Ph.D. Eng.

Ventseslav Stoyanov, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng.

Hristina Zayakova, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng.

Yulia Ilieva, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Arch.

Stanislav Tsvetkov, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng.

Ivanka Marinova, Ch. Assistant Prof. Ph.D. Arch.

Antoaneta Dimitrova, Senior Lecturer - English

Desislava Tsankova, student

Conference Topics

I. Architecture and Urbanism

II. Art and Preservation of Architectural Heritage

III. Construction Physics and Healthy Living Environment

IV. Building Materials and Technologies

V. Construction Mechanics

VI. Foundation and Geotechnics. Road, Rail and Metro Infrastructure.

VII. Building Constructions

VIII. Seismic Engineering

IX. Organization of Construction

X. Construction Management and Entrepreneurship

XI. Safety and Security in Construction

XII. Sustainable Construction and Environmental Security

XIII. Real Estate and Construction Law

XIV. Digitalization in Construction, Architecture and Education

XV. Student section

Important dates

Although the due date for sending an APPLICATION for partaking in the VSU'2022 CONFERENCE may have expired, if someone submits a full-text paper during the full-text acceptance time-span the paper will be accepted for reviewing, and if it gets approved of the paper will be published but upon a fee-payment made.

15 August 2022
Sending Application Form for Participation and Paper Abstract

19 August 2022
Application confirmation for accepted paper abstract

15 September 2022
Submission of full-text of reports

19 September 2022
Confirmation on acceptance of full text, and starting off paper-reviewing

26 September 2022
Deadline for receipt of reviewers' comments

30 September 2022
Final redacting of reviewers' comments and participation fee-payment

 3 October 2022
Release of the Conference Program

 6 October 2022
Registration of participants and start of the conference

 8 October 2022
Holding the conference


University of Structural Engineering and Architecture "Lyuben Karavelov“,
175 Suhodolska Str.
Sofia, 1373

Registration fees

Presentation (oral or poster) -100.00 Euro

Co-autor-50.00 Euro

Listener - 60.00 Euro

Corporate presentation 150.00 Euro

Corporate exhibition and/or demonstration - 200.00 Euro

Preferential fees

o PhD Student 60.00 Euro

o Student 40.00 Euro

o Company participated in former conferences Free

Full conference registration (oral or poster presentation) fee includes:

Attendance to all conference sessions

Publication of up to 2 articles in Proceedings

Conference materials (abstract).

Conference proceedings - volume, incl. your papers and CD/USB

Official cocktail-party on Thursday

Refreshment breaks

Bank account


IBAN: BG02 BNBG 9661 3100 1461 01



HOLDER: USEA “Lyuben Karavelov”

Please indicate in the payment document your name and the name of the conference, for example: “Oliver Smith, VSU 2022”


pdf Invitation file in English
pdf Invitation file in Bulgarian

docx Teplate for report in Engresh

Contacts - for correspondence in English. - for correspondence in Bulgarian.

To send a message, you can also use the page Feedback for VSU'2022.

To participate...

Log in to your profile (if you participated last year), or register a new user profile. (If you have forgotten your password, set a new password on the new registration page, as if you were creating a new account with your previous email. The password will be changed after you confirm by opening the received link.)

Abstracts and full texts of papers are submitted online (See the Help Page for Previous Conference) or sent to the above contact emails.


For a fee "presentation" up to two papers are allowed to participate in the conference. They can be written and published in Bulgarian and English. (See: Reporting.)

The reports are published in the collection & bdquo; International Scientific Conference VSU‘2022 “ in the form of articles. Each article and its summary are reviewed by anonymous independent reviewers, most of whom are members of the International Scientific Committee of the Conference.

The Proceedings consists of several volumes, the articles in which are arranged by the editors. It is identified by the ISSN: 1314-071X and includes in-printed abstracts in Bulgarian and English and CD or USB flash drive (memory stick) with color reproduction of the full text of the articles. The full text of the articles are also published on the conference website.

The Proceedings of VSU'2022 is included in the "National Reference List of contemporary Bulgarian scientific publications with scientific review".

The authors of the reports retain their copyright on the articles, taking full responsibility for their content. In other words, the organizers of VSU'2022 and the editors are not responsible for the content of the articles, as well as for the consequences if the authors have caused harm to third parties. USEA is a publisher and as such receives the rights to offer and distribute the publication with published articles. The fact that you have applied for participation in the VSU'2022 conference means that you have accepted and agree to these terms.

Requirements for reports

Forms of participation


Presentation represents the oral presentation of the scientific paper. The resource for the presentation is a multimedia projector. It is recommended all the support materials to be digitized. Use standard fonts or embed all the non-standard fonts when preparing *.ppt, *.pptx, *.pdf, *.docx, etc. files.

The duration of the presentation is 15 minutes, including the discussion, i.e. answers to questions. For a more dynamic presentation, it is necessary to provide your presentation to a technician on flash drive (memory stick) before the start of each session. If you plan to use sound in the presentation, please let us know in advance.


The poster is another form of presentation that allows for a quick and comprehensive perception of the idea of the report. We recommend this type of participation when a large part of the issues considered can be illustrated graphically or with the expected interest of a large number of participants. The poster allows individual details to be discussed in direct personal contact with the author.

The poster should be prepared on a single sheet with the following dimensions: width – 75-90 cm, height – 100-120 cm, "portrait" orientation for a better visualization of the details. The title and authors are positioned at the top of the poster. In this part except the title and authors and an extended summary in English have to be submitted. Size of the text, illustrations and graphics must be large enough to be read from a distance of about 1.5-2 meters. In the VSU campus there is a copy center, where within a few minutes and at low price you can print your poster.

The duration of the presentation, discussion and evaluation of the posters is 75 minutes. For a stricter holding of the poster sessions, it is necessary for the posters to be mounted in the marked places before the beginning of the session.

Students present only posters.

Participation in absentia

There is an opportunity for participation in the Conference in absentia, which is the publication of a report, after appropriate review by a member of the International Scientific Committee. Part-time participants receive all materials published by the conference.


The listener participates in the Conference without presenting his / her report. The listener can participate in all sessions and accompanying events.

Company presentations

Company presentations can be:


The report does not differ from the oral presentation of a scientific report, with the difference that for the company presentation 15 minutes are set aside in a plenary session or 30 minutes in a regular session for a presentation and subsequent questions and discussion. This report is not included in the Conference Proceedings.


The exhibition is a provision of a separate stand, which is located in a suitable place, close to the conference halls and the reception. For the demonstration it is necessary to prepare a special secure and equipped site, the conditions for which are agreed with the Chairman of the Org. Committee.


The advertisement is the printing of information in the Conference Program (up to half a page) and a slide show on an additional screen during the opening of the conference and the Plenary Session (up to 10 slides, the frequency of presentation depends on the number of advertisers).

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