18 - 20 October 2018

pdf PROGRAMME   Proceedings


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Article Requirements Templates

One registration fee for the Conference allows publication of up to two papers. They can be written and published in English or Bulgarian. Papers will be published in the „Proceedings of International Scientific Conference VSU'2018“ in the form of articles. Each article and its abstract will be reviewed by independent, anonymous reviewers, and in most cases they are members of the International Scientific Committee of VSU’2017. The Proceedings consist of several volumes, arranged by the editors – Prof. Doncho Partov, PhD and Assoc. Prof. Eng. Anita Handruleva, PhD (Honorary Chairman and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of VSU’2018).

The Proceedings of VSU’2018 are identified with International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1314-071X. It will be published on paper and optical media (CD), containing the publication in pdf-format with the capability for color printouts. The authors of papers hold the copyright on their articles, so they are responsible for the content of their paper. The organizers and editors are not responsible for the content of the articles and the consequences if the authors have caused problem with their publication. USEA (VSU) is a publisher and it is authorized to offer and distribute the Proceedings.

The fact that you will participate in the International Scientific Conference VSU’2018 means that you have read and agreed to these terms.

Article Requirements

The text of the accepted for publication articles (oral reports or posters) should be written in English (UK) and should not exceed 6 (six) pages, including title, equations, figures, tables and references.

The full text of the article(s) should be prepared according to the requirements specified in the files Template_VSU2018_EN.pdf (in English) and Template_VSU2018_BG.pdf (in Bulgarian) that you can download from this site. It is recommended to write your article in a copy of this file in order to ensure compliance with the formatting of Proceedings.

The full text of the article(s) should be uploaded on the page My registration or sent to e-mail address: conference_en@vsu.bg both in DOC and PDF format till 1 October 2018.


Template for the papers in English - Template_VSU2018_EN.pdf
(or in pdf format: Template_VSU2017_EN.pdf)

Template for the papers in Bulgarian - Template_VSU2018_BG.pdf
(or in pdf format: Template_VSU2017_BG.pdf)
